Sunday, April 24, 2011

We are here to help.

The train is coming down the track, and CCF is here to help move product from producer to market.

Small Businesses Fret Over Food-Safety Rules - "Small food producers are just as susceptible to microbial outbreaks, said David Plunkett, CSPI senior staff attorney. 'There's no rationale where you can say the size of someone's business makes a difference,' he said.

Small businesses do provide a smaller portion of the food supply, Mr. Plunkett said, but 'that's small comfort to the people who suffer from food-borne illness.'

While there are costs associated with implementing safety controls, it's just part of the cost of doing business, he said."

1 comment:

  1. "There's no rationale where you can say the size of someone's business makes a difference" says David Plunkett.

    Well...yes, there is. Wendell Berry quotes Wes Jackson when he calls it "eyes to acres" and would assert that when it comes to agriculture, there certainly is a difference.

    Which is not to say that small producers are immune from trouble. Still, there is a strong case that small producers have an entirely different strategy of operations than large industrial farms. Plunkett and regulators want to treat small farms as small factories, when most of the time that simply isn't the case.
